速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Frederic Leighton Artworks Stickers

Frederic Leighton Artworks Stickers


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版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Frederic Leighton Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 105 stickers of Frederic Leighton Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- The Death of Brunelleschi

- Actaea, the Nymph of the Shore

- Cimabue's Celebrated Madonna is carried in Procession through the Streets of Florence

- The Reconciliation of the Montagues and Capulets

- The Fisherman and the Syren.

- A Roman Lady

- Samson

- An Italian Lady

- Pavonia

- Portrait of May Sartoris

- Songs without Words

- Jezebel and Ahab Met by Elijah

- Odalisque

- A Girl Feeding Peacocks

- Dante in Exile

- Orpheus and Euridice

- The Golden Hours

- David

- The Villa Malta, Rome

- Venus Disrobing For The Bath

- Courtyard of a Mosque at Broussa

- Knucklebones

- Acme and Septimius

- Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon

- Icarus and Daedalus

- Cartoon for the fresco "The Arts of Industry as Applied to War"

- Hercules Wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis

- Teresina

- A sacrifice to the Graces

- Richard Burton painted by Frederic Leighton

- Old Damascus

- The Daphnephoria

- Elijah in the Wilderness

- Biondina

- Nausicaa

- The White Feather Fan

- The Countess Brownlow

- Idyll

- Psamathe

- Self-portrait

- Light of the Harem

- Antigone

- Wedded

- Memories

- Cymon and Iphigenia

- Music Lesson

- An athlete wrestling with a python

- Captive Andromache

- Gulnihal

- An athlete wrestling with a python

- Solitude

- The Bath of Psyche

Frederic Leighton Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- And the sea gave up

- Perseus and Andromeda

- The Garden of the Hesperides

- Illustrations from Volume 1 of "The Yellow Book"

- Bacchante

- Clytie

- Flaming June

- A Bather

- A Girl

- A Nile Woman

- Charity of St. Elizabeth of Hungary

- Clytie

- Portrait of a child

- Desdemona

- Drapery. Study for The Last Watch of Hero.

- Erotic image

- Faticida

- Garden of an Inn Capri

- Girl in Green

- Greek Girl Dancing

- Greek Girls Playing at Ball

- Hannah de Rothschild

- Helen on the Walls of Troy

- Ida Adrian and Frederic Marryat

- Invocation

- Jonathan's Token to David

- Joseph

- Lachrymae

- Moses views the Promised Land

- Mother and Child

- Perseus On Pegasus Hastening To the Rescue of Andromeda

- Phoebe

- Portrait of a Lady

- Return of Persephone

- Self portrait as a boy

- Sibyl

- Sisters

- Spirit of the Summit

- Study of a Lemon Tree

- The Antique Juggling Girl

- The Head Of A Girl

- The Last Watch of Hero

- The Maid with the Yellow Hair

- The Nymph of the River

- The Painter's Honeymoon

- The Sluggard

- The Syracusan Bride

- Winding the Skein

- A Girl with a Basket of Fruit

- At the Fountain

- Greek Girls Picking up Pebbles

- Study At a Reading Desk

- Lady in a Garden

Frederic Leighton Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Mrs. Ellinor Guthrie

Frederic Leighton Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad